#22, Barnes Place Colombo 07, Sri Lanka

Gurus Training Seminar Conducted in North Central Region.

2018-06-09 | North Central Region | Northern Region

As Sathya Sai Baba said; “There are many aspects in the modern educational system that we must understand. But we are not learning what we ought to. Instead, we are gathering irrelevant information. Mere learning of the contents of a book constitutes secular education. Education must be combined with Educare. Only then will you experience the bliss. What is the difference between “education” and “Educare”? Education is like insipid water, whereas Educare is like sugar. Merely adding sugar to water does not make it sweet. It is only on stirring that the sugar mixes with the water, making it sweet. The heart is the tumbler, Divinity is the sugar and secular education is tasteless water. With intelligence as the spoon and inquiry as to the process of stirring, we experience the all-pervasive Divinity. That is true wisdom, which enables us to recognise the unity of all creation.”

In line with His divine vision towards the need for constant upliftment of the spiritual and human values-based education of children and youth, the National Educare Wing of the SSIO of Sri Lanka takes initiatives to travel around the country to engage with Gurus and uplift the quality of the Sri Sathya Sai Bal Vikas program and the Sri Sathya Sai Education in Human Values (SSSEHV) program through constant knowledge sharing and training sessions.

As part of this initiative, a 2 day training and development seminar was conducted in the North Central Region at the Sathya Sai Seva Centre in Thanniyoottu, on the 9th and 10th of June. A total of 42 Gurus participated in this training from Trincomalee, Vavuniya, Kilinochchi, Odduchuddan, Vattapalai, Mulliyawalai and Thanniyoottu Sai Centres/Mandalis.

The seminar focussed on many topics including the importance of the Sri Sathya Sai Educare programs, the role of Human Values in shaping the children and youth of tomorrow, and the significance of the role that is carried out by the Gurus themselves in that process. Newer teaching techniques were also discussed to be implemented in the curriculum and keep the newer generation of children more engaged as per the need of the modern world.

 “What is the end of education? Character is the end of education.
What is the essence of education? Concentration is the essence of education.
What is the aim of education? The aim of education is not only cultivating human qualities but attaining divinity.
Education is meant for life, not only for a living.”

– Sri Sathya Sai Baba, September 26, 2000.